GOP Tool Hugh Hewitt TURNS On BFF Trump, DEMANDS GOP Tell Him To QUIT Campaign!!
This is so pathetic. Hugh Hewitt, the mouthpiece extraordinaire of the GOP establishment, is now saying that they should get Trump to step down from the nomination after MONTHS of kissing his ass and telling everyone he’s a FINE candidate!!
Here’s more from Politico:
Either the Republican National Committee must change its convention rules or the presumptive Republican nominee needs to change his personality, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt remarked on his program Wednesday morning.
“They ought to get together and let the convention decide. And if Donald Trump pulls over a makeover in the next four to five weeks, great, they can keep him. It would be better if he had done so 5 weeks ago. But it’s awful and it ended bad last night,” he said, in reference to Trump’s speech from his swanky Westchester County golf club in which he read from a teleprompter and promised to turn the page and earn the votes of Republican voters who opposed him in the primary.
Accepting of Trump as the nominee against Hillary Clinton at this point, Hewitt said, is “like ignoring Stage IV cancer. You can’t do it, you gotta go attack it.”
“And right now the Republican Party is facing — the plane is headed towards the mountain after the last 72 hours,” he said.
OK.. nice Lebowski reference, but that’s not enough, Hugh!!
I wish I could be as forgiving as Bill Kristol is:
Want to welcome "Switzerland" (AKA @hughhewitt) to the Resistance. Who's next? When does @WSJ see the light?
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 8, 2016
But I’M NOT. I saw Hugh Hewitt absolutely LIE day after day on his radio show in order to bolster the GOP establishment’s pick Mitt Romney in 2012, and they won the nomination and LOST to Barack Obama. After idiots neglected to take Trump seriously while we were all sounding the alarm, NOW they want to call him a “cancer”? Amazing.
This is what condescending windbag @HughHewitt was saying when #NeverTrump was sounding the alarm in February
— el ¡Soopèr! ن (@SooperMexican) June 8, 2016
What a prick.
Y’know, maybe an apology would be in order. Those of us who knew the threat Trump presented months ago have been excoriated and mocked and ridiculed by arrogant a-holes like Hewitt. If they want to abandon their abandonment of their principles and join our side again with ANY semblance of credibility, perhaps they should at least recognize and acknowledge their culpability.