
Woah! Trump Screwed Over The USA Freedom Girls!!!!

This is just amazing. Do y’all remember the “USA Freedom Girls” that sang a North Korea inspired song about Trump “crushing” his enemies? Well they got the full Trump treatment for their adoring loyalty, and now they’re SUING him!! LOL!!

Watch below:

El Scoopo at the Right Scoop esplains how the manager of the Freedom Girls, Jeff Popick, was forced to file a lawsuit against the cheet0-faced totalitarian:

Popick admits he didn’t have a contract with the Trump campaign, but said he was promised certain things from the campaign that never came to fruition.

For example, he told the Post that he had requested $2500 for their first performance, but accepted a counter-offer of having a table setup where they could sell their albums.

But when they got to their first act in Pensacola, the table was nowhere to be found.

After the act Popick tried to contact the campaign for alternate compensation, but was unable to get a hold of anyone.

At the charity event for veterans that Trump held in lieu of going to the Fox News debate, Popick says the group was invited to perform with only a day’s notice. But they flew to Iowa anyway, only to find out once they landed that they were no longer performing at the event, but were invited to be there.

The cost of the travel for the children and their parents, including hotels and rental cars, was all borne by Popick.

Again, he told the Washington Post, he tried to contact the campaign over and over to no avail. He even shared emails with the Washington Post showing his attempts to contact them and explained how staffers would promise to return his calls and never would.

So now Popick is suing to get the compensation he believes is rightfully his.

Like seriously you guys? The Trump campaign is willing to screw over these cute little girls just to save a buck and they don’t care how it looks for the election? Just amazing.

Here’s their performance to jog your memory:

If Trump is willing to screw over these cute little Trumpians, he’ll screw over anyone. INCLUDING YOU!!

Dumb Donald’s Speech Had LOWEST RATINGS Of A Nomination In Last 12 Years!!