
‘I Was The Judicial Clerk For The Judge in the Original Arpaio Trial…’

This is a very interesting thread from a guy who knows the judge in the original Arpaio trial. For those who care to reason through their positions instead of just following the tribe like a witless savage, it should be illuminating.


Like, for three people.

He followed up:

BUT, as I’ve said before, words are meaningless since the advent of the Age of Trump. It doesn’t matter that the judge has conservative bona fides greater than Trump’s (not that this is saying much). He is a “liberal” because all that word means now is that he would dare run contrary to Trump’s tribe, and that includes Arpaio.

In this sense, Arpaio is like our O.J. Simpson. Blacks said that O.J. should go free not on the merits of his case but because blacks had been historically victims of prejudice. In the same way, illegal immigration opponents don’t give a damn to actually see if Arpaio deserved his conviction – that he is branded as an illegal immigration opponent means he is of the tribe and can do no wrong. Even if he’s a scumbag liar and actually undermines the rule of law.

Welcome to Trumpworld.

And I know that scumbag idiots will accuse me of being against Arpaio because I’m Mexican and I’m for “open borders.” That’s a complete lie of course, I am for strict border enforcement, but anyone who thinks for themselves is a threat to both tribes, left and right.