
New California State Flag!!!


This is the way my beloved state ends… not with a bang, but with a simpering fool of  a Governer.

California, once one of the greatest states in the union – its GDP accounts for 1/10th of our country’s economy. 

If it were it’s own nation, it would be the seventh largest economy in the world…

Erstwhile breadbasket for the world…

Some of the most beautiful and wonderful weather all year long….

Now a fetid cesspool of corruption, mismanagement, and debt.

Thanks liberals, and thanks idiot voters for screwing yourselves over year after year…

The great Victor Davis Hansen writes about California’s decline HERE and HERE.

T-shirt available – just click here!! 

Update: not available as a t-shirt because the scumbags at Zazzle stole my money and deleted my designs. 

And for you unfamiliar with the normal CA state flag, here ya go…