Voters Without ID Turned Away At WI Election Polls
CBS News in Wisconsin reports:
MILWAUKEE- Civil rights attorneys working with the U.S. Department of Justice say that by 1 p.m. Tuesday, they had received nearly 600 complaints on a variety of topics.
A leading complaint involved confusion over photo i.d.
Picture identification is on hold in Wisconsin because of pending lawsuits.
But several people have contacted CBS 58 to say they had to insist to vote or were turned away because they did not have a photo i.d.
Sue Edmond, Milwaukee’s Election Commision Director, reiterated that a photo i.d. is not required.
One viewer in particular has asked CBS 58 to accompany her back to her polling station to demand to vote.
Fox News has video of a man claiming to have infiltrated a Union scheme to bus in people from out of state to vote illegally in the election.