Video, Podcasts, Cartoons About My WAWAGate Story
I have reached the summit of my blogging career – the intelligent and lovely Dana Perino mentioned me on the Hannity Show:
Of course, they were discussing the story I broke about Andrea Mitchell smearing Mitt Romney with a deceptively edited video. The story made it all the way to the front page of the Fox News Website.
And she followed it up with this gracious message:
@SooperMexican gotta give credit where credit is due! Thanks for all of your hard work.
— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) June 20, 2012
As if that weren’t enough, more kudos arrived from the similarly gorgeous and intelligent Monica Crowley:
@SooperMexican Andrea Mitchell must’ve had her panties in a wad when she got wind of what the SOOP had cookin’. — Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) June 20, 2012
@SooperMexican Congratulations on taking it to the leftist liars.You exposed them, then you schooled them.Bravo.#MSNBC #WaWaGate — Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) June 20, 2012
Michelle Malkin was terribly supportive – I can’t thank her enough for all the tweets, and posts, and general encouragement:
Raising my glass to you all day!
RT @SooperMexican: @michellemalkin lol! #JustABloggerOrale!
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 19, 2012
Not quite as beautiful, but very insightful conservative, Jonah Goldberg sent this:
Good for@SooperMexican!…
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) June 19, 2012
On Rush Limbaugh’s show!
On the Glenn Beck Show!
On the O’Reilly Show:
And on the Midday Fox News Panel:
Just listened to @SooperMexican on @radio214 discussing how he caught Andrea Mitchell deceptively editing Romney video
— Sean Hannity’s Hair (@SHannitysHair) June 22, 2012
Podcast! Snark Factor 233 w/Katrina Rice @Veribatim. #FTRRadio #SnarkFTR #Tcot #sgp
— Fingers Malloy (@FingersMalloy) June 22, 2012
By my hero, Mike Ramirez, at Investor’s Business Daily:
And finally, thank you sincerely to every single tweeter, blogger, journalist, patriotic citizen, and anyone else who helped me spread this story. I was overwhelmed and humbled by your support.
Ok, enough bragging.
Let’s get back to this war.