
The New Kid-Safe ‘Let’s Move’ Stamp Approved by Michelle Obama!

You know, it’s one thing for the government to try to propagandize children into their statist schemes at every moment of their little sugar-coated, Miley-Cyrus-obsessed lives. At least be somewhat efficient about it.

Apparently Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign thought the best way to reach children is through stamps – because what kids these days aren’t rushing to their local post office in order to get the latest Rutherford B. Hayes commemorative first edition stamp?! Only the uncoolest of nerds would miss out on the hip philatelist action!

Well, they screwed that up too.

Via Reason.com:

“Three of the stamps in the fifteen stamp series raised safety concerns among sports figures on the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. The stamps in question depicted children performing a cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads, and doing a headstand without a helmet. The unsafe depictions came to light after USPS Marketing chief Nagisa Manabe asked Michelle Obama to take part in a first day ceremony for the stamps. That was apparently the first time the stamps had been reviewed by the Sports Council.”

How pathetic is that? We can’t possibly conceive that a child might take the slightest risk in order to have fun.

Here’s a pic of the stamps from USPS Stamps blog:


And here’s the replacement stamp:


Thank goodness the government is saving us from unsafe stamps!