Media Bias

A Photographer Deleted This Picture of Obama From Her Instagram After it Went Viral

Photographs of Obama dancing at a party while the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri raged on hit the internet and quickly went viral, resulting in the photographer quietly deleting them, ostensibly in an attempt to mitigate the political damage.


Editorial and fine art photographer Elizabeth Cecil posted two photos of the president on her Instagram account from the party that was closed to the press.

The photos featured President Obama dancing and one of him offering a birthday toast to Ann Jordan at a party at the Farm Neck Golf Club.

The party included about 150 guests, including former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton.

The photo of the president dancing was discovered on Instagram early Thursday morning by Republican National Committee War Room staffer Elliott Schwartz, who posted it on Twitter.

obama dancing

After the pictures were picked up by news organizations and they went viral with a hit from the Drudge Report, they mysteriously disappeared. But not before some disappointed with the failure in optics could respond:

I think the truth about Obama’s arrogance and incompetence is beginning to dawn on a lot of people after years of conservatives being derided for pointing it out.