Some More Controversial Tweets From Soon-To-Be Unemployed Texas Teacher
You’ve probably seen this tweet that’s going all over the internet from a Texas high school teacher and even got some coverage in USA Today this morning. Well she’s being being fired over this one tweet:
gosh they're always so brave at first, and then they lock their accounts lol… here's the tweet.. I got others..
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) November 8, 2014
But that’s not all! There are some more crazy tweets from the racist cop-hating teacher! Here’s how Vinita Hegwood was laughing about “privileged and Uncle Tom ‘Merica” being upset about her tweets:
Yeah it’s not just “Merica,” because the school district she works for is moving to fire her this morning. Wonder if she’s still “tickled”?
More cursing and racist stuff:
Use of the word “retard” as an epithet:
She had some strong opinions about the election, and also about police:
From the depths of her heard she unapologetically hates police officers? Do you want that in the classroom?
This is the tweet she reposted about police:
— Anon Cop Watch (@AnonCopWatch) November 5, 2014
This next one is just kinda hypocritical – she whines that a white boy who planned a school shooting is called “troubled” while her son would have been called a thug, but on her instagram, she glorifies the word “thug.”
Apparently hundreds of people called the district over the weekend because they swiftly announced this morning that they would begin the process to fire her and place on unpaid leave in the meantime.
Who says Twitter mobs don’t get results?