Here Are 21 Liberals Who Are Foaming at the Mouth Angry Because of Donations to Christian Pizzeria
The media has made sure to make it appear as if the owners of Memories Pizza shut out gays from their business, when that’s not what they admitted to. Still, insane gay advocates hacked their website, posted obscene pictures on their Yelp account, and made death and arson threats. The pizzeria was going to close down when conservative Dana Loesch came to the rescue with a “GoFundMe” page that has now raised nearly half a million dollars!
Well that’s making a lot of liberals very angry. Enjoy their tears [some have deleted their tweets since publication, but the text is still saved]:
Bigots created a gofundme account for memories pizza last night that, last I checked had made 30k from idiotic bigots #fyilive
— Rudy Bucher (@Ruderealism) April 2, 2015
Now every hillbilly in Arkansas & Indiana will go on TV, claiming to hate gays, so they can get fools to send them money #MemoriesPizza
— Viktor T. Kerney (@wondermann5) April 3, 2015
The biggest Tea Party money scam since Sarah Palin #MemoriesPizza
— American Putz (@papalputz) April 3, 2015
Just posted a long ass message on Memories Pizza's donation post. fuck them, man.
— jewish fairy (@esotericpaladin) April 2, 2015
24 hours ago it was we don't know if we can reopen. 500K later.. Oh sure. Now we can reopen. #MemoriesPizza #Scam #Grifters
— Mike Nissan (@mnissan22) April 3, 2015
Hateful bigots have rewarded Memories pizza with over 200k for being hateful bigots. Could not be more disgusted with society right now.
— BAH (@flyinfryman) April 2, 2015
This is horrifying. Who are these people giving these bigots money? Support Memories Pizza via @gofundme
— Kate B. (@katebegonia) April 3, 2015
The persecuted Christians are so rich that after taking care of the poor, sick & needy, they crowdfund the bigots from Memories Pizza
— Serial Gramma (@SerialGramma) April 2, 2015
Why isn't go fund me getting backlash for making bigots rich in the name gay hate? 275 thousand dollars as if no for memories pizza place.
— Scott Estes (@DatGuyScott) April 2, 2015
@gofundme shut down the bigots for the Memories Pizza in Indiana. This was a self inflicted wound, and they deserve nothing!
— Mary Wolcott (@EwmMary) April 2, 2015
Wow there's a gofundme page for memories pizza b/c ppl want to help them make up for lost money from ppl boycotting them for being bigots
— Justin Shields (@JTomShields) April 2, 2015
Fuck you for doing this, America. These people, these bigots, don't deserve this. –
— N. (@smasherhulk) April 3, 2015
@gofundme should shut down the bigot Memories Pizza donation site. Bigots don't deserve it. #BoycottIndiana
— Kayaker (@kayak247) April 2, 2015
So gross. The bigots over at Memories Pizza have received +$245k in donations at gofundme
— Adrian Arizmendi (@arizerg) April 2, 2015
I agree it's wrong to threaten a pizza establishment, but guess what, it's wrong to do the same to an abortion clinic. #MemoriesPizza #RFRA
— Nicole Chardenet (@nchardenet) April 3, 2015
People are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Memories Pizza. Bigot assholes always seem to have spare change for each other.
— Chris Bucky Barnes (@TheBarnesology) April 2, 2015
I'm embarrassed to live within 45 min of memories pizza cuz they're such ignorant assholes, but then I see that they raised $183k. fuckers.
— Jared Kane (@jaredhehehehe) April 2, 2015
Fuck society. Memories pizza made rich via gofundme for being assholes. And amazing people like me stay poor.
— Chris Paul (@chrispaul86) April 2, 2015
Why the fuck are people donating money to keep memories pizza in business. They are ignorant assholes who don't deserve a business.
— jewish fairy (@esotericpaladin) April 2, 2015
@gofundme Bigots raise 200K. Way to support thinly disguised hate GoFundMe. Memories Pizza is a scam run by bigots who blame LGBT. #nohate
— KiwiJello73 (@KiwiJello73) April 2, 2015
Awww they’re so sad that their socially accepted bigotry isn’t shared by everyone! LOL!
Uh Oh! Twitter Account of ‘Nazi Christian’ Economist Critic Has Been DELETED! Damn You Hackers!