
Baltimore Orioles’ Field Sign Hijacked By Right Wing Extremists, Post Offensive Messages

I am absolutely shocked, shocked I tell you, that such a horrible thing would happen under Obama’s leadership in America as a race riot producing the wretched image of a baseball game being played with an empty stadium! To heap insult upon injury, some right-wing nutjob took over their field sign while they were playing and posted horribly conservative messages! For shame, America!!!

orioles field sign-pendejos

That’s plain awful!! Someone needs to contact the Orioles management!

Orioles field sign-DEMOCRATS

No, America can’t take any more! Stop it!

Orioles field sign-google

I’m beginning to think there’s some kind of conspiracy in Baltimore or something!!!

That’s it! I’m never voting Democrat again! If Barack Obama can’t keep right-wing extremists off our baseball field signs, then he can go back to where he came from! Ghana I think.

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