What The Hell Did Dzhokhar Do As He Was Led Away?!?!
This is really weird:
CNN: As #Tsarnaev led away, he smiles wryly…his index fingers are extended at waist level. It was like a gunslinger's two-pistol salute.
— Shimon Prokupecz (@ShimonPro) May 15, 2015
After some anti-execution idiot said he had displayed remorse. Yeah right. Roast in hell, you pig.
UPDATE! Jefferson Tea Party reminds me about the one-finger Muslim salute that many ISIS fighters use in pictures:
@SooperMexican pic.twitter.com/WDeUyJEre7
— Jefferson Tea Party (@JeffersonTeaPar) May 15, 2015
From what I understand it means “God is one,” to distinguish the monotheism of Islam from the belief in trinity from Christianity. But usually they don’t do it with both hands. Maybe his shackles were hindering him, but…
Tsarnaev right after death sentence. http://t.co/U4XF494ZXg pic.twitter.com/ZCFm2cPIdX
— Richard Johnson (@newsillustrator) May 15, 2015
Oh well, I reiterate, roast in hell, you pig.