Baseball Legend Curt Schilling Suspended For Muslim Tweet, Supports Ben Carson, Called Homosexuality a Sin
Here’s today’s lesson in the “truth-telling will be punished” file. Baseball great Curt Schilling has been suspended for tweeting a pretty reasonable criticism of Islamism:
I understand and accept my suspension. 100% my fault. Bad choices have bad consequences and this was a bad decision in every way on my part.
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) August 25, 2015
It’s too bad that he was made to cower before the politically correct police – what was his “bad decision”?
Here it is:
Yeah, that didn’t last long. Some of the headline-writers were clutching firmly at their pearls, aghast at the insult. SBNation called it awful, probably because Muslims were cowering because of his tweet!! Yahoo News called it “insensitive” to Islamist monsters!! Can’t offend ISIS!
I think it’s exactly crap like this that makes so many furious and eager to support someone like Donald Trump despite his rather mixed track record on conservatism.
Previously, the retired Christian baseball player touted Ben Carson because of his Christianity: Pray this comes true. What an amazingly intelligent, smart, humble America loving man.
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) November 7, 2014
He responded to someone calling Carson a homophobe:
@dyodes21 before you head out into the real world you'd better figure out what you are actually saying. His beliefs, as with every Christian
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) November 7, 2014
@shelterdogfan Right, as a Christian he, like every Christian, understands the Lords position. That doesn't mean people are not accepting
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) November 7, 2014
And he called homosexuality a sin:
@FitzProv As a Christian it's a sin, but that's me, and I am not the one to be judge and jury, that's in God's hands. Let the states handle
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) February 1, 2013
And says evolution is false:
Settle in and listen to this world changing mind, he's eccentric and awesome, you have to rethink your world.
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) November 12, 2014
Now once those rabid insane liberals discover this, watch how “tolerant” they become. You’re just not allowed to be a Bible-believing Christian anymore in Obama’s America.