LAPD On Alert After A Thug Posts a Video STALKING Police With A Handgun On Social Media

Some idiot thought it would be funny to post a silent video of his stalking a police officer with a handgun, and he’s probably gonna get arrested soon.

More from PoliceOne:

A video posted on Instagram shows a first-person perspective of someone sitting behind a patrol car and flashing what appears to be a loaded gun.

The video, posted by user @brownsider_klever, was captioned with “Fucc the police [sic]” and decorated with emojis of guns.

The post has since been deleted off Instagram. It was originally sent to PoliceOne by a member of the Los Angeles Police Department.

The location of the video is not confirmed but a sticker in the car’s front window references a Calabasas dealership. A request for comment from the LAPD as to whether they’re investigating the incident has not yet been returned.

It appears that the moron deleted the video, but here it is:

He looks like some piece of crap gangmember thug:

Let’s hope there’s a bullet-riddled surprise in store for him in the future.

I also posted a short news video on it at the Right Scoooooop.

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