97% Of Syrian Refugees To America Are MUSLIM – Here’s Map Of Where They Ended Up…
In an analysis of stats from the Refugee Processing Center, which assists in the processing of refugees for resettlement in the United States, it appears that a tiny minority are non-Muslims, despite the fact that so many Christians and others are being oppressed in the Middle East.
From the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog:
The Obama Administration says they will resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the US in FY 2016 which began October 1. Here is a map showing where the first 187 Syrians have been placed (as of today). Two weeks ago, it had been only 51 (see here), but Kentucky is still the number one destination (here with 26).
Of the 187 admitted to the US this month, 183 are Sunni Muslims. There were 3 Catholics and 1 Christian. That is 98% Muslim. Last year the percentage of Muslims in the Syrian flow to America was 97%.
…If Obama wants to get 10,000 in here in one year, they will surely have to step this up. I expect the slow start involves the problem they are having doing the security screening. He will have to get almost 900 a month in here to make his quota.
Here’s a map of where the first refugees ended up in America:
This is just the first month and there haven’t been that many refugees allowed in yet, but it’s a pretty good indicator of where they’re gonna end up.
So we’re gonna trust the same federal government that couldn’t fulfill a 3-day check on Dylann Roof and prevent him from shooting up the church in South Carolina to vet these people.
Which is also the same government that allowed in the Tzarnaev brothers AND also gave them welfare for years while they plotted to murder Americans.
Which is ALSO the same government whose multicultural policies allowed Major Nidal to spout off pro-Islam nonsense and made everyone look the other way while he plotted to murder American soldiers.
Oh yeah, this is gonna work out just great for us.