Here’s How The Media Started The FALSE RUMOR That Cruz Called American Soldiers ‘Psychopaths’
Everyone is freaking out over a quote from Ted Cruz today. Here’s how it was first reported by CNBC’s John Harwood:
But that’s not what he said. The internet freaked out. They assumed Cruz was calling our soldiers “psychopaths.”
yes: "idea govt would forcibly put them in foxhole w/220-lb psychopath trying to kill them doesn't make any sense"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) February 7, 2016
I didn't think it clear either. But have tweeted fuller quote and agree on what Cruz was referring to
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) February 7, 2016
But it doesn’t matter, they’re running with it, because they hate Cruz so much:
So Cruz is describing US soldiers as psychopaths here…? via @teddyschleifer
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) February 7, 2016
So Cruz wasn't calling soldiers psychopaths, was showcasing fact he knows least about war & foreign policy. Not Commander-in-Chief material.
— Drew (@FigDrewton) February 7, 2016
This an idiot Daily Show writer tweeted about it and deleted since.
And that’s how it happens. A small lie is spun into a big one and a candidate is smeared.
Do you think these people give a crap when these a-holes called Chris Kyle a psychopath? Or when this Obama official referred to American soldiers as psychopaths? NOPE! They only pretend to give a crap when they think it can hurt a Republican.