Conservatives ABANDON TWITTER To Protest Banning Of Right-Wing Advocates!!
This happened a lot quicker than I thought it would. It’s only been a few weeks since Twitter announced it would ask a panel full of left-wing nutjobs to police their social media platform and shut down supposed “bullying,”
Here’s what they said:
That’s why we are announcing the formation of the Twitter Trust & Safety Council, a new and foundational part of our strategy to ensure that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter.
As we develop products, policies, and programs, our Trust & Safety Council will help us tap into the expertise and input of organizations at the intersection of these issues more efficiently and quickly.
We have more than 40 organizations and experts from 13 regions joining as inaugural members of the Council. We are thrilled to work with these organizations to ensure that we are enabling everyone, everywhere to express themselves with confidence on Twitter.
I’ve started seeing people say that minor accounts were being banned, but it was hard to know why they were being banned and if it had anything to do with the fascist committee protecting everyone from getting their feelings hurt. Apparently, Breitbart’s @Nero lost his “verified” blue checkmark status over a joke he was tweeting that he was working for Buzzfeed.
Then the big one hit:
I don't always agree with @rsmccain, but he doesn't deserve to be in #Twitmo, @twitter. #FreeStacy
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 22, 2016
Stacy McCain is an anti-feminist blogger, and he often critiques them on Twitter – it looks like that just isn’t allowed anymore.
That’s when more people started paying attention:
Seriously, @twitter @safety, if you can't explain why you banned @rsmccain & @SexTroubleBook, we'll have to assume the worst #FreeStacy
— Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) February 22, 2016
Follow @rsmcain at @SexTroubleBook since @Twitter decided his political views needed to be censored and banned him.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) February 20, 2016
.@twitter I don't even like @rsmccain & I'm still appalled by your Soviet treatment of him. Grow up, @jack. #FreeStacy
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) February 20, 2016
Let my tweople go. #freestacy@Twitter @Support @TwitterIR @policy @jack @rsmccain
— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) February 20, 2016
Hi @Support, I would like to report @Twitter for both triggering and violating a safe space by arbitrarily suspending @rsmccain. #FreeStacy
— Dan O'Donnell (@DanODradio) February 20, 2016
The problem isn’t just that they shut down McCain, it’s that they did summarily and without describing what he did to merit the action. So we are completely at their mercy without any recourse. Yes, it’s a private company, but it’s treating us like a totalitarian despot imposing its fickle will on whomever it wants – but mostly on those of us on the right.
Here’s the great Michelle Malkin:
Twitter, you are fucking up big time. Alienating conservative/libertarian users is no way to grow. @jack @gov
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) February 22, 2016
The vituperative and influential Ace of Spades:
if you want to see my content you’ll just have to go to my site. i’m not providing it to Twitter any longer @KetchupDoritos @instapundit — The Scandalous DJT (@AceofSpadesHQ) February 22, 2016
Movie star and outspoken conservative Adam Baldwin deleted all his tweets except one that criticized the fascist Twitter council:
Hi @Twitter: Fire @jack and disband the 'Trust and Safety' Council.
Here's why:
— Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) February 22, 2016
Of course, the scumbags on the left are praising the action, because if there’s anything they can’t deal with it’s conservatives with a chance to debate and speak freely:
So either Twitter is going to back down, or we’re going to see more and more conservative accounts be banned for daring to criticize the weak-minded mewling losers on the left whose positions are so pathetic they can’t take the tiniest shred of reasoned opposition.
We know that Facebook is already shutting down people for criticizing Syrian refugees, and conservatives have often believed they get the short end of the stick there too. And Tumblr is a cesspool of drooling, rabid LGBT and transexual advocates. I guess it’s back to the only refuge from conservative free speech: email chainmails and tincans linked together through strings.