Trump’s Jewish Son-In-Law Tried To RETRACT Defense Of ‘Star of David’ Meme But Was DENIED
Trump supporters are pointing out that Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish and he defends his poppa-in-law on the weird “Star of David” meme controversy, but apparently the guy tried to retract his support at first:
Trump’s son-in-law and New York Observer owner tries to take back comment made to TheWrap regarding Star of David controversy
After New York Observer owner Jared Kushner got taken to task by one of his paper’s own writers, he tried to take back a statement to TheWrap that defended his father-in-law, Donald Trump.
…In a statement to TheWrap sent at 3.30 p.m. PT Tuesday via his spokesperson, Kushner said: “My father-in-law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embraced my family and our Judaism since I began dating my wife. I know that Donald does not at all subscribe to any racist or anti-semitic thinking. I have personally seen him embrace people of all racial and religious backgrounds. The suggestion that he may be intolerant is not reflective of the Donald Trump I know.”
However, Kushner’s rep then called our reporter and verbally asked that the statement be rescinded, a request which was declined.
I’m kinda sick of this story too, trust me, but it shows the incredible ineptitude and incompetence of the Trump team, regardless of what you think of his actual beliefs.
Add this to the incomprehensible explanation his social media tried to give, and you have a great big stupid Trumpster fire. Can you imagine this gang of idiots in the White House? LOL!! At least I won’t run out of stuff to write about…