
Pathetic Trump-Humping Blog LIES About Media Photoshop For Hillary – Here’s Proof

I usually try to ignore the unmitigated sewer of lies that flow out of the Trump-humping cesspool called the “conservative treehouse” but I just had to see if this absurdly stupid claim of theirs was true:

Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 7.33.04 PM

The reason I had my doubts is that, as usual, the post has no actual evidence that this photo was “photoshopped” – not that any is necessary, with their readership of dim-witted Trump knob-gobbling troglodytes. They’ll eagerly swallow any lie as long as it helps their moron emperor Trump.

Just a little digging finds that the photo is a Getty pic from Hillary’s rally in Manhattan when she won the New York primary:

getty conservative treehouse photoshop

It’s the exact same pic. No photoshop necessary.

All “the Hill” did was use a stock photo they had because they didn’t have pics of the rally ready. Every website does it. Even the feces-throwers at the Conservative Treehouse.

Maybe he’s trying to run cover for fellow Trump-humping idiot websites Breitbart and Gateway Pundit, who were both pawning off a picture of a parade in Cleveland as a photo of a line for Trump:

jim hoft gateway pundit cleveland trump breitbart cleveland trump

Yes these degenerates are in one big Trump-fueled circle jerk of lies:

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And because of their idiocy, we’re going to get that wretched hag Hillary for President.

Congrats, morons.

Update: The idiot responded. Clearly he feels no need to correct his post – you can’t disturb the Trump-humper’s worldview, it’s very fragile:

In fact, he reminded me that the website had done this before. They posted a completely unsourced accusation from Twitter that CNN had photoshopped a pic to make someone’s race appear different:

But it was completely made up by some moron on Twitter. But I guess that’s what passes for truth and reality in the Trump-humper’s alternate conspiracy-ridden reality.

SooperPodcast #211!! Trumpo-splosion!! With Trish Dawson and Hapax!!