
Poll Shows Americans HATED Trump’s Immigration Speech, Don’t Believe Border Wall Funding Rhetoric

The latest ABC News poll must have only polled Democrats and ignored the massive, yuge and tremendous “hidden” Trump vote, because it shows SIX times as many Americans believe he’s on crack if he believes he can make Mexico pay for the wall than Trumpers who believe it.

From ABC News:

Donald Trump has made his promise that Mexico would pay to build a wall along the U.S. border a centerpiece of his proposed immigration policy. But only 13 percent of voters believe the Republican presidential candidate could deliver on that promise if elected.

ABC News together with our partners at SSRS survey research firm asked our online opinion panel if they believed Trump would be able to get Mexico to pay for building a wall along the U.S. southern border.

Seventy-eight percent said they believed Trump could not deliver on this promise, while 13 percent said he could.

border wall mexico poll


Wow, don’t they realize he’s the best negotiator in world history?!?! I’m not joking, a Trump spokesman actually said that. Clearly, globalists aren’t letting Trump get his message out by not showing his rallies or giving him fair play on Fox News by their puppet Roger Ailes!!

They also asked these biased Trump-haters what they thought of his immigration speech – here’s a word bubble:

abc news trump immigration speech

So he did amazingly well!! Comrade emperor Trump is marching his way to the White House and none of you Zionist globalist GOP establishment cucks can do anything about it!!! Look at my frog meme!!! Look at it!!!

Hannity And Coulter STILL Blaming #NeverTrump And GOP Establishment For Trump’s Schlonging!