Here’s What Happens If You Search ‘Jews’ And #FireKushner
So the alt-right is all upset because Trump fired missiles at an airfield in Syria because they’re big Syrian airfield fans, I guess, and they’re demanding that el Presidente Trump fire his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
And they made #FireKushner trend.
But if you thought it was innocent political advocacy, all you have to do is add “jews” to your search of the hashtag:
with jews you lose
— Cœur de Lion II (@de_lionx) April 7, 2017
Ah, well. I’m sure that’s the only one, right?
#FireKushner Live If you Fire Kushner you are still left with (((The President))) his (((daughter))) & a cabal of billionaire Jews
— Wideawakegentile (@The_Indian_Goy) April 8, 2017
Oh. Well I’m sure it’s a yuge coincidence because everybody said they’re not *really* anti-semitic, how could they be?! They were voting for a guy whose son-in-law is Jewish!!! Oh wait. Right. #FireKushner.
What is with Jews and their infatuation with accusing good men of gassing people? #FireKushner
— The Second Estate (@2ndEstateBlog) April 8, 2017
They’re not even original:
What is with Jews and their infatuation with accusing good men of gassing people? #FireKushner
— #Resistance (@inmygroup) April 8, 2017
Trump and his family are showing to a few who can see. Don't marry jews or let them get a hook in you. #FireKushner
— White Culture (@taylorchris221) April 7, 2017
While you're drinking, Globalist & Jews are preparing for another interventionist war.
No More Jewish Wars#FireKushner— Contrarian Gent (@ContrarianGent) April 7, 2017
This was a very early one with the hashtag:
@realRickWiles Kushner is the next Soros! A Jew who DOES NOT have best interest of other Jews/Christians! #firekushner @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @DanScavino
— TrumpTough Christian (@GodBlessDJTrump) April 7, 2017
@RightWingDivaFU #kushner doesn't realize that whites are against Jews too. #firekushner
— zachlives (@ZachTurner_) April 8, 2017
Zionist Jew, KUSHNER puts Jews&Israel 1st.Israel has been adamant4 destruction of Syria &Assad4 a long time.No more America 1st #Firekushner
— AlHamzi_Yemen (@Optimist2thend) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner !! And distance yourself from jews @realDonaldTrump In fact, get Ivanka away from politics as well, she's too liberal.
— IDestroyLiberals (@deplorablejayo) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner jews will always subvert your government
— Fen (@heidenrach) April 8, 2017
@JonesCali1970 We knew they were Jews.The surprise was how far up the President's ass they were planning to insert themselves. #firekushner
— Brenda (@Test42252529) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner There is no place for Jews, nonwhites or antiwhite whites in a White State.Our #EuropeanEmpire Must be Restored #AltRight
— TheGiantStillSleeps (@RestoreUSAtoday) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner 7 American Jews deciding MEastern policy (4 Israel). No calls for diversity or affirmative action like we do with whites/azns?
— Muhammad (@mack0414) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner for whispering bullshit in his father-in-law's ear. no more jews in the government.
— moonman (@The_red_pill_15) April 8, 2017
It’s all one big yuge coincidence, I swear!!!
But I mean definitely absolutely do NOT do this search either:
Because kikes are useless
— #Resistance (@inmygroup) April 8, 2017
Hey hey, ho ho, subversive kikes have got to go! #FireKushner
— Moderate Republican (@ehiknowaguy) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner but also fuck the kikes who jumped ship on Trump today. Flip floppers are usually the worst in politics.
— Moon Man (@AnarchoGrow) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner kikes out now!
Since the Balfour declaration we fight wars for the kikes #firekushner
— Kekkel (@pakka1288) April 7, 2017
And for real kicks, pick one of their screennames and search to see what they say about Putin:
The greatest alliance of all time will be @realDonaldTrump & @PutinRF_Eng @KremlinRussia_E Trump & Putin will dominate! #Trump2016
— TrumpTough Christian (@GodBlessDJTrump) April 22, 2016
No wonder they got all their knickers in a twist.
For less anti-semitism, but just as much alt-right whiney snowflake fun, check out this previous post.