Trump fans attack Ed Henry over his interview with Katrina Pierson
#MAGA universe is all up in arms over Ed Henry actually forcing Katrina Pierson to answer some questions about her contradictory statements on Omarosa’s tapes and accusations.
You act like it's the end of the world Trump called Omarosa a dog yet you down talked a woman on your show! Fuck you! And bring her child into it?? You're a POS
— roger (@rogerfreeman191) August 16, 2018
You act like it's the end of the world Trump called Omarosa a dog yet you down talked a woman on your show! Fuck you! And bring her child into it?? You're a POS
— roger (@rogerfreeman191) August 16, 2018
@edhenry YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR FUCKING SELF U PIECE OF SHIT, @KatrinaPierson you should get his stupid ass back and tell everyone about him harassing you foe #Omorosa I WOULD HAVE SOCKED THE FUCK OUT OF ED HENRY IF I HEARD HIM TALKING TO AND PRESSING A WOMAN LIKE THAT.
— The Truth is Unbelieveable (@burns3722) August 15, 2018
Whoa @edhenry !! I'm a fan of yours and a loyal Fox viewer, but that was harsh and out of line! You went too far…. Maybe you're not who I thought you were. You owe her a apology. @KatrinaPierson
— Tandra Rihner (@ttrihner) August 15, 2018
Ed Henry … you just lost me, buddy. You were a jerk to Katrina Pierson just now. Let me ask YOU … ED … was it appropriate for YOU … to have an affair with another woman while married?
I would call a husband who cheats on his wife … a dog … as well!
— DebbieBarth (@DebbieBarth) August 15, 2018
Ed Henry, Fox News, subbing for Shannon Bream, embarrassed himself tonight by attacking, interrupting, and being rude to Katrina Pierson. And how dare you bring Ms. Pierson’s son into the mix!
— पंकज (@hhicks95112410) August 15, 2018
Regarding Ed Henry's so called "interview" with Katrina, that was pathetic. Ed was SO argumentative, rude, and instead of "interviewing" Katrina, he seemed ONLY concerned with obtaining a "gotcha" moment. Shameful & Sad.
— Sami Sayz (@SamiSayzz) August 15, 2018
Hey @KatrinaPierson, you should have slapped Ed Henry and thrown his water in his face to cool him down. He is a dirty dog, no a dirty rat! Wait, are those racist mysogynistic terms??? I got you back Katrina!
— Shawn Price (@PriceShn) August 15, 2018
Here’s the video before we continue with some more tweets:
Disgraceful, uncomfortable to watch interview with @edhenry and @KatrinaPierson. Ed exhibited how NOT to treat a woman while trying to school her and remind her it’s HIS show and HE will conduct the interview. He lost all control and I lost ALL respect! He should not be a host!
— Dawn-joy Thornton (@Dawnjoythornton) August 15, 2018
Why is @edhenry trying to sandbag @KatrinaPierson –Omorosa is the dirtbag here, not Katrina, Katrina is the victim of surreptitious taping. Shame on @FoxNews
— Brett Winterble Show (@WinterbleShow) August 15, 2018
They can both be dirtbags, and they are.
Ed Henry was out of control in his interview with Katrina Pierson. She didn't let him put words in her mouth!!!!! Go Katrina!!!
— Debby Miller (@debbylm74) August 15, 2018
Fox News – Ed Henry needs to be taken off the air
— rand1Paul Mickos (@pjmicklos) August 15, 2018
@edhenry @KatrinaPierson Ed Henry that was trash reporting trying to spin a transcript to fit a narrative. Katrina can use the term dog all she wants. If someone is trying to slander you its fair game to defend yourself and your friends. #MAGA
— Rob Ramsey (@RobRams82855465) August 15, 2018
@FoxNews I am appalled! Ed Henry is usually such a professional! Not any more! His attack on Katrina was outrageous, he made a fool of himself! I am an avid Fox viewer and always thought Ed was a pro….not anymore!
— randy axline (@randyaxline) August 15, 2018
Whoowee!! They don’t like it when any Trumper gets upset. Henry did a decent job. He made Katrina answer for some pretty contradictory statements. These people just want softballs to be tossed at Trumpers and the administration to do whatever they want.