Sooperpodcast 465!! Be pretty sad if someone happened to shoot you on the interstate!
THIS WEEK we’re back and we got a JESS but no Matt he’s gone. We talk about Jess’s continued obsession with hating Taylor Lorenz, and we have a sooper black people update. We talk about the generational gap about job expectations and make fun of the people fired by Elon Musk. Then Jess Yas-Queens herself for a while and el Sooper talks about the temperature. Also he figures out he’s been off for decades. AND he talks about conspiracy theories and eggs and stingrays and economics podcasts and the shrinking middle class and old people at doctor’s offices. WOW!! Go listen now!!
ALSO!! If the podcast doesn’t load, then you go directly to podomatic here!!
Here’s the Erick Erickson dispelling some absurd conspiracy theories:
Here’s the very polite disagreement no one read:
Love the podcast, but it was a little dishonest to talk about the middle class shrinking without noting that some of the loss was their entry into the higher wealthy class.
— ¡El Sooopèrr! ن c137 🦬 (@SooperMexican) June 4, 2022
ALSO!! DON’T MISS the great great list of Podcast listener nuts!! They’re all here, mostly!!!
ALSO!! We now have a patreon – so you have to PAY to listen to the extra podcast, suckers!! HAHAHAHAH!!! Go there and give us money. We entertain you.
BUT Patreon members only get early access to the extras – you can go to the page right now and listen to extras from the prior podcasts!! WOW!!!
AND… the GREAT GRATE KATCHUP DEBATE!! This is a good one.