‘The Young Turks’ Steven Oh Deletes DESPICABLE Tweet Saying Prolifers Never GRIEVE Over MISCARRIAGES
It looks like the Planned Parenthood pro-abortion bloodthirsty lobby is absolutely losing it. Here’s the Chief Operating Officer of “The Young Turks,” a left-wing commie YouTube channel, actually accuse pro-life people of not caring about their miscarriages:
What an idiot. A follower of mine pointed out that he was outrageously exaggerating the claim, as there are not anywhere near 10,000 miscarriages a day. But that’s besides the point – he’s saying that pro-life people don’t care about miscarriages? What a piece of trash.
I guess when you don’t care about chopping up unborn children, you have to imagine your opponents are much worse.
After a ton of people excoriated the idiot for mocking their grief at their miscarriages, he deleted the tweet. No apology though.
What a degenerate.