Obama Campaign Manager Mocks Latinos
Then, in a stroke of fantastic arrogance, he ends with this insulting line:
“The chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos.”
Amazing – imagine if a conservative pundit had made that exact observation, or any other stereotypical comment about another racial group. We would be awash in howls to have them strung up by their heels.
Instead, to make things worse, Obama’s 2012 campaign manager, Jim Messina, tweeted the following in approval:
Line of the day from WAPO’s Dana Milbank: “The chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos.”
— Jim Messina (@Messina2012) February 15, 2012
***.@washingtonpost WHY do you allow Dana @Milbank make stereotypical INSULTS against latinos? soopermexican.com/2012/02/15/oba… #ChimichanGATE #latism — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) February 15, 2012
***@BarackObama is @Messina2012 laughing at @Milbank‘s insult against Latinos representative of your campaign? #latism soopermexican.com/2012/02/15/oba… — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) February 15, 2012
From RBPundit: Pasty White Dana Milbank Gets Obama Campaign Props
At Misfit Politics: Obama Campaign Manager Mocks Latinos
at Univision News: Obama camp, Republicans wage Twitter war over “chimichanga” comment
~~~ UPDATE ~~
In response to the furor, Messina says dismissively,
Tweeting someone else’s words caused a stir, but the GOP is on the wrong side of every Hispanic voter priority:bit.ly/A6BTk4
— Jim Messina (@Messina2012) February 15, 2012
Except… the NUMBER ONE ISSUE for Hispanics is JOBS, and the Economy, and Obama’s support is collapsing among Hispanics, as more and more of us are beginning to see through the pandering and arrogant attitude of this administration.