
A comprehensive history of the Alec & Hilaria Baldwin Soopermexican FEUD

Well it’s that time again, that time when Alec Baldwin does something newsworthy and I have to remind people that I got into a long feud with him and he accused me of being a Jewish lawyer from Burbank.

Yes this actually happened.

Now I’ve done a lot of cool stuff in my life, and you can see that in my sooper curriculum vitae here, but the one thing that most people remember me by is when Alec Baldwin insulted me on social media and we got into a long debate about our political differences.

He eventually blocked me and maybe the story wouldn’t have been remarkable at all except for what happened next: he opened up a secret “sock puppet” account to attack me and his other critics like a sad pathetic loser.

And I CAUGHT him in the act, proved it, and then he ran away defeated with his tail between his legs.

A decade later he killed some lady with a gun on the set of his new movie, and recently he revealed that he is somehow shooting (!) a reality television show with his wife and their numerous children! Wow.

ANYWAY, since it keeps popping up, here’s the definitive history my feud with Alec Baldwin.

Somehow we got into it about the Occupy Wall Street protests against capitalism and hygiene. For some reason he was obsessed with the image of me wearing magenta panties? Kinda creepy. And he called me a “right-wing bullshitter” when I showed him that unions are among the largest contributors to political campaigns. He couldn’t deal with that one.

You can still see some of the tweets in my post despite his deleting the account.

Later I noticed this bizarre account called “VictoriaNavel” started mocking me on Twitter. And it had a small number of groupies that would attack me, all of them defending Alec Baldwin.

I did some digging and I noticed that this account was following and was followed by people who knew Alec personally. Some of these tweets still exist on the timeline, here’s one:

Most of the others were deleted. But there were so many tweets of people who knew both Alec and this account that I grew suspicious.

There were other snippets that kept pointing to the same conclusion, for instance, the image in the VictoriaNavel profile was a really obscure sculpture that has ties to Baldwin and his wife.

I compiled all this evidence and made my case that this was Baldwin’s secret account.

When I revealed my evidence on my website on Feb. 7, 2012, the account attacked me in a voice that sounded very much like Baldwin.

Then the account deleted itself.

Now why would the account disappear if I was wrong? Kinda weird huh?

Anyway, he never admitted it, but it was really a crazy coincidence that Baldwin left Twitter right before VictoriaNavel first made her appearance on Twitter, and when she deleted her account, Alec Baldwin reappeared just a few days later.


Right at about that time, Baldwin marries an exotic Latina named Hilaria Thomas. She’s a yoga instructor nearly half his age and he quit Twitter in order to be with his loving exotic Latina wife.

How do we know she’s a Latina? Because she kept winning awards for Latinas at the time!!

Except here’s the thing: she’s not Latina.

Her family is the whitest of white Europeans and she was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Now apparently she has this fascination with Spain, so she started picking up the language and some of the culture, and then she appeared to start race-role-playing as some kind of generic Hispanic.

Now there’s a thin line between appreciating another culture and pretending to be something you’re not.

And she has yoga-hopped over that line into ridiculousness.

The first time people noticed this was when she pretended not to know the English word for “cucumbers” while on a television show, cooking a meal.

Fine, kinda funny, no big deal right?

But then she started getting awards as a successful LATINA, and as far as I know she didn’t refuse these awards. What the hell? LOL!!

At one point Latina Magazine added her to their “Best Latina Stepparent List” and she has deleted her twitter response, but she did not deny being Latina.

Her latest insanity is pretending not to know how to say onions in a weird high tone voice that is different from the voice she used in the previous video. Check it out:

LOL! Amazing.

Anyway, Alec Baldwin accused me of lying about being Latino, and said I was a Jewish lawyer, while his wife is out there cosplaying as a Latina.

And he killed a lady and got off on a technicality because he’s rich.

Only in America!!