Clintonista Reich Tweets Against “Subsidizing Public Indecency”
The brilliant hypocrisy of this tweet is just too perfect not to post:
Join the rush against Rush. His remaining advertisers must know you’ve had enough. Your dollars will not subsidize public indecency.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) March 12, 2012
Now nobody gives a crap what Robert Reich says. The highest points of his career were actually when Rush made fun of his Leftist commentary on his show. I don’t know if he’s done it recently, but Rush used to drag out the “ch” ending of Reich’s last name, like so:
Maybe that’s why old Robert has it in for Rush. Now this is the same Robert Reich who worked for Bill Clinton – and he’s whining about American dollars subsidizing indecency?! Utterly ridiculous. Of course, it’s ok for HIM to call Rush a slut, right?
Rush Limbaugh is a slut, and his rants have dragged America through the gutter long enough.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) March 2, 2012
h/t @theQueenisMad
But of course, this is actually a distraction – Robert is being a faithful drone and spouting the liberal lie in order to defeat conservatives, and divert the public’s gaze from Obama’s failures.