Leftists Gleefully Hope Rick Warren’s Son Was Gay To Mock Religion
A lot of degenerates like @6kidneybean hoping Rick Warren’s son was gay so they can attack religion: twitter.com/6kidneybean/st…
— El SOOPer!! (@SooperMexican) April 6, 2013
I find it odd that people who would call themselves gay advocates would hope so ghoulishly that Rick Warren’s son, who tragically committed suicide yesterday, was gay in order to smear Christianity. According to news reports, Warren’s son had struggled with mental illness all his life.
Of course, there are many kinds of illness that strike all kinds of people, but leave it to the despicable left to hope to justify their hatred for religion by wishing a suicide was caused by homosexuality:
Son of Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren has committed suicide. Place your bets on when its discovered he was gay. #ReligionKills #TCOT
— ReallyRick (@TheReallyRick) April 6, 2013
How much you wanna bet he was gay?Pastor Rick Warren’s son, Matthew, commits suicide, church says nbcnews.to/ZGfHIJvia @nbcnewsus
— Kevin Stern (@KevinAthans) April 6, 2013
@anotheraka @normaconnors gays commit suicide every day and Rick warren rubs it into the families faces every day! Evilbible.com
— . (@anotheraka) April 6, 2013
Hearing the unfortunate news about Rick Warren’s son’s suicide, it begs to wonder if he was gay…… fb.me/2yQ8PxSb7 — lanceperkins (@lanceperkins) April 6, 2013
Life was too gay @redrkr @tymichaelprice : Pastor Rick Warren – Famous Evangelical’s Son Commits Suicide tmz.me/141o6ix — kkalb2000 (@kkalb2000) April 6, 2013
“@rubinreport: Are people asking whether Rick Warren’s son was gay? It’s horrific either way, but if so…” first thing I thought.. — Michael Blumenauer (@nhepicure) April 6, 2013
Again, there is absolutely no evidence that he was gay apart from the report that he had a mental illness. The “curiosity” is borne purely out of a need to hate Rick Warren and the Christian values he represents. Then there are those who just take glee in Rick Warren’s grief and pain:
@bryanjfischer well after all the dead gay kids Rick Warren is responsible for, I guess one of his is a small price to pay. #tcot — Barbera LaPeters (@BarberaLaPeters) April 6, 2013
@rickwarren your son died due to your anti-gay hate toward gay people including your son.. — boymv18 (@boymv18) April 6, 2013
Who are the real haters?
This account is spreading the rumor as if he confirmed it, but he hardly ever tweets except for this occasion to spread an anti-Christian message, so it seems dubious:
@dreadfulpenny81 @rickwarren cat lady get a job..his gay son killed himself bc of his dad..I know this bc I know his son.
— boymv18 (@boymv18) April 7, 2013
And here’s one that especially disgusting.
While these are just random twitter accounts, it makes me wonder how they can say Christians are hate-filled for merely stating what our faith has said for thousands of years, and they spew this bigoted anti-Christian hatred.
See Also: More Tweets from Christophobes on Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy Site