This YouTuber is inadvertently proving conservatives right about work and welfare
I want, reluctantly, to introduce you to Dontay London. He’s a young man, a single father, and an aspiring YouTuber, and without intending to, he’s accidentally proven a basic tenet of conservatism.
That is the claim that expanding welfare encourages laziness and sloth.
This is an important debate because those on the left get very angry at us on the right and accuse us of being heartless and evil to the poor. They believe that just giving people money helps them out and the majority of people suffering poverty do so without any personal responsibility.
Enter Dontay London.
I’ve been watching his videos for a while, and each one gets me angrier and angrier. He is actually a pretty charming guy at times and seems really nice, but at the heart of his videos is the idea that he deserves to be on welfare because he’s a nice guy and he wants more for his life.
Unlike all of us losers who settle for a regular job and actually pay our bills.
In March of 2024 London struck gold with a video that went viral and was written up at Newsweek. The title of the video was, “I Regret Moving Into Low Income Apartments!” and the headline at Newsweek was, “I Regret Living in Low-Income Housing. The System Feels Rigged.”
Here’s the video, it got more than 150k views:
You can watch the video or read the Newsweek version, but it basically outlines why Dontay “regrets” moving into low income apartments. It’s because if he tries to get a job and earn some money, the benefits are lowered, and he loses money.
Since moving in, I’ve faced numerous issues with rent adjustments. For every job I take on, no matter how minor, I’m obligated to report the income.
There have been instances where I failed to report earnings from gig jobs like delivering for Instacart, which led to me being overcharged on rent.
My income was audited—that’s when I noticed that I did Instacart for a couple of months without reporting it. I wasn’t aware I had to report such sporadic income, but since I made over $200 during those months, they ended up charging me a full month’s rent for each unreported month.
He is complaining because he doesn’t want a hand up, he wants a handout.
I enjoy working multiple jobs, but this requirement to report every bit of income has caused me too many problems while living in low-income housing. It’s almost as if the system penalizes you for trying to make ends meet.
So, kinda like conservatives have been saying for DECADES: If you incentivize people to NOT work, guess what they’re gonna do? They’re not gonna work.
What is the answer here, just give him money for the rest of his life, even if he doesn’t need it?
Dontay doesn’t even think about the person who is working two or three jobs to feed their kids and pay their taxes. Not at all. He ONLY thinks about how much better his life is if he continues to live off of the taxpayer’s money and works less.
My rent is currently $553. That’s because I’m only working about 20 hours a week driving buses. If I decided to quit my bus driving job right now, my rent would drop to zero.
Right, WHY on Earth would he want to keep working when he could just quit and not pay any rent?
Even more interesting, rent is just the beginning of the assistance he’s gotten – here’s more from Newsweek:
For example, I drive a 2003 car, which was a gift from Michigan Works about seven months ago. I was on cash assistance and food stamps at the time, navigating through their path program designed to support individuals facing tough times.
So he got a car from the taxpayer, and food stamps, and cash assistance. But he’s upset because the people who give him money also want to monitor him to make sure he really needs it:
It’s as if the very mechanism that’s supposed to support you in low-income housing becomes a barrier the moment you attempt to stand on your own feet. I don’t appreciate feeling monitored or judged based on my financial progress or lack thereof.
Just incredible. We can’t judge people, we just need to give them money without asking what they’re doing with it, or if it’s helping, or if they’re using it responsibly. What a great system!!!
Further on the video he admits that he borrowed money from Rent-A-Center in order to buy a large television and then stopped making the $153 payments and they cancelled his account. So that’s probably ruined his credit. He says the television is too big for him anyway. He wants to buy a 60 inch for his living room and a 50 inch television for his bedroom. Being poor is nice!!
In other videos, he says that he simply cannot work a regular job like the rest of us. He tries to work two jobs in order to provide for his son, and he gives up after two weeks. His excuse and his rationale for quitting is that he “wants more” for his life than just a nine to five job. So that bus driver job didn’t last for too long – he said he only had it in order to get the cash assistance.
He says in that video that he has been in low income housing for four years, and this was in 2023. And all that time you and me paid for this guy to sit around and record YouTube videos. He’s been doing this for five years. And he promises to continue!
It’s truly an incredible way to look at the world.
And even more infuriating, is that tons of people support his worldview in the comments! They encourage him to keep taking money from the government despite the fact that he’s a very young, very healthy man who is in the prime of his earning years!
Not all of his commenters accept the welfare worldview. ONE a-hole masked Mexican wrote a comment explaining to him that he should simply get a job and do YouTube videos on the side. This is after Dontay literally asked his viewers what they wanted to see on his channel since he was running out of ideas and his views had dropped.
But you can’t read that Mexican’s comment, because Dontay deleted it after about 30 minutes.
Luckily for you, I stalk that Mexican and I got a screenshot of his comment:
Unfortunately it cut off, but I just went on to quote his mom from one of his videos that told him to stop whining about comments on YouTube.
Is that so bad? Apparently it is. In other videos, Dontay criticizes commenters who aren’t positive enough and who don’t support his staying on welfare.
Now I want to make this clear – I do not oppose all welfare. I do think that one of the proper functions of government is to help people out when they find themselves without hope through no fault of their own. But that is not Dontay. And the more money we put out there, the more Dontays we’re gonna get.
Anyway, I got a TON more to say about what Dontay has put out there, but he’s very sensitive and doesn’t like criticism.
And I don’t mean to put his all on Dontay. But I do think he is a case study in what conservatives like me have been warning about for decades. A society simply cannot survive when the taxpayers cannot keep up with those who depend on the government.
Update: One of my favorite Twitter friends @ConservativeLA responded with a very apropos quote from the man, Thomas Sowell.
“What the welfare system and other kinds of governmental programs are doing is paying people to fail. Insofar as they fail, they receive the money; insofar as they succeed, even to a moderate extent, the money is taken away.”