Shocking Discovery: Pajama Boy Works at The Washington Post Defending Obamacare!!
Bloggers made a shocking discovery this morning when they read a ridiculous article in the Washington Post attempting to put “context” around the comments made by Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber who said the law had to be written deceptively because the voters are too stupid to pass it honestly.
So they went to the writer’s Twitter to ask why he would do such a thing:
An Obamacare writer is under fire for saying the ‘stupidity of the American voter’ helped the ACA pass. But CONTEXT.
— Jose A. DelReal (@jdelreal) November 11, 2014
But.. hey.. wait a minute… let’s take a closer look at that avatar!
Doesn’t that kinda… look like…
HOLY CRAP IT’S PAJAMA BOY!! No WONDER he’s defending Obamacare! Obama must have called up his friends at the Washington Post and told them he needed yet another favor…
As far as I could find, Mr. German Shepherd was the first to notice the resemblance:
@RBPundit @jdelreal Man, Jose's profile photo sure seems familiar. Could he be pajama boy?
— German Shepherd (@GermanShepher10) November 11, 2014
Ironically enough, Jose actually laughed at a mocking article written about Pajama Boy way back when he was first used in Obamacare ads:
I actually laughed out loud: "A zip-up onesie in classic Lamar Alexander plaid."
— Jose A. DelReal (@jdelreal) December 25, 2013
Anyway, people took him to task for the weird write-up that was meant to defend the comments but really didn’t at all:
.@jdelreal I'm not stupid in any context so try again…
— Andy Lancaster (@andylancaster) November 11, 2014
Gruber's comments were made a year ago so they don't count (also weren't covered a year ago)
— S.M (@redsteeze) November 11, 2014
@Popehat no skin off my back
— Jose A. DelReal (@jdelreal) November 11, 2014
@Popehat I'm afraid I don't follow your conclusions.
— Jose A. DelReal (@jdelreal) November 11, 2014
.@jdelreal Gruber admits that they had to lie to get it passed. You glossed over that part, then claimed you'd debunked it.
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) November 11, 2014
The "process" did not cause a law to be written/marketed the way it was, @jdelreal. People like Jon Gruber made that happen intentionally.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 11, 2014
Unreal. The MSM bends over backwards to try and explain one of Obamacare's architect's own recorded words.
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) November 11, 2014
Context: voters really are stupid. Gruber did not mislead.
— JG (@JohnG405) November 11, 2014
"Outrage among conservatives" pretty sure non-conservatives were lied to also. Pretty sure that's also news
— S.M (@redsteeze) November 11, 2014
Pajama Boy “updated” the post for clarity, but I can’t find what he changed, which might have been in response to the criticism:
Quick point: Gruber's broader commentary was a critique of the political process, which resulted in "irrational" aspects of the law. 1/2
— Jose A. DelReal (@jdelreal) November 11, 2014
I think that point was misinterpreted in the earlier version 2/2
— Jose A. DelReal (@jdelreal) November 11, 2014
Wow that’s so weird! Pajama Boy Jose was criticized for this paragraph where makes it appear that conservatives are wrong:
.@jdelreal Isn't this last sentence just a fancy way of saying "I wish Gruber hadn't said it"?
— Popehat (@Popehat) November 11, 2014
.. he blithely dismisses conservatives criticizing his hacktastic attack, and then hours later “updates” the article to take out the accusation that conservatives are wrong! I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
Great job, Pajama Boy! We’re all impressed at you sacrificing journalistic integrity in order to help Obama not look like a complete jack-ass! You really took one for the team!!
And just for fun, these are the other guesses at the true identity of Pajama Boy I made way back when:
All you “stupid voters,” just keep repeating “the media is objective, I can trust the media!”