
Ted Cruz Fact Checks The Daily Beast and Finds It WANTING

The execrable Daily Beast tried to expose Ted Cruz’s greatest secret – that he’s a video game addict. But in their rush to smear the Tea Party favorite, they forgot to double-check their reporting!

Cruz’s video game habit fits into a largely hidden geek persona that lurks just behind his better-known public reputation as an obstinate Tea Party firebrand.

At the moment, Cruz is playing Plants vs. Zombies, a game where users collect sunlight points to feed plants who fight off waves of zombies; Candy Crush, the puzzle game where he claims he’s in the 217th level; and The Creeps!, a tower defense game.

His video game addiction is so severe, Cruz says, he has to proactively deny himself the ability to spend time on it.

“I don’t have a console, mostly as a time management tool, because if I had one, I would use it far too much,” he told The Daily Beast.

Ted Cruz posted this fact-checking on Twitter:

Wow. And I thought reaching level 50 on Madden Mobile was an accomplishment. Is there anything Ted Cruz can’t do?!?!

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