
Merry Christmas!! A Short Meditation From Your SooperMexy…

Well here it is – another year is ending and we mark it with the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior. We come together, each in our own special way, to observe and meditate on the absolutely incredible moment in history, the most important moment in creation, when God in His infinite grace crossed the unfathomable chasm between our sin and His perfection, to draw each one of us to Him.

And we rejoice in this.

And we try to express the joy at the great gift that God gave us, beyond all value, beyond all worth. The gift of His Son.

It is an act that changed all of human history and redeemed all of creation, giving us our only chance of reconciling with our maker, in whose image we’re made.

For more than two thousand years, much of human civilization has been devoted to understanding, appreciating, praising, and celebrating that divine moment.

And here we are once again.

I want to thank each and every one of you for visiting my website and participating in this small project of trying to spread truth and wisdom for the sake of upholding all the blessings that God has given us. We haven’t always agreed with each other, but know that I am very grateful for you helping us making our endeavor a success.

Now go be with your families, forgive one another, pray for us, pray for your enemies, and spread the love of Jesus Christ, casting out the darkness in this world, and manifesting the divine spark of light that God breathes into each of us at every moment of existence…

Merry Christmas!!!

See also el Scoop’s meditation from two years ago:
Merry Christmas! Christ the Lord, our Saviour, was born to us on this day