
That Video Of Marco Rubio Supposedly Supporting Carbon Credits In 2008 IS DECEPTIVELY EDITED!!

OK so everyone is freaking out over this video of Marco Rubio in 2008. In it, it sounds like he’s energetically supporting a cap-and-trade system and carbon credits in 2008. That would certainly not be conservative.

But… just a month ago, he ripped into carbon taxes, as this video shows from one of his events:


Well, this is what I found. It appears that the video is cropped to misrepresent his view – ironically, it appears that he was pushing a “poison pill” legislation in order to keep the carbon tax option in the hands of the legislation and away from the Florida governor at the time, which was the hideous snake Charlie Crist.

Here’s the entire video of Marco Rubio discussing the carbon tax, unedited. 

BUT this is the important part – the above video cuts out right when he says he DOESN’T want it implemented, but he wants the Florida legislature to design it:

AND further on, he specifically says that we’re gonna clean up the environment through free market innovation, NOT through government mandates – this is in the same video as above, it’s just edited out:

Here’s an article where he discusses what he did in 2008:

Rubio did raise concerns about the potential costs of cap-and-trade as soon as Crist made climate change a priority of his new administration in 2007. In a column in the Miami Herald that year, Rubio pointed to a think tank’s estimate that emission caps would hike consumers’ utility bills by an estimated 25 percent to 50 percent. He advocated tax incentives for energy-efficient companies and investments in ethanol and other biofuels instead.

By 2008, as Crist’s poll ratings held strong, Rubio called a federal cap-and-trade system “inevitable” and said Florida should be at the forefront. He hired a leading climate change expert from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to advise lawmakers and appointed Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts Harvey Ruvin — who sounded the alarm on climate change years ago — to a statewide energy board.

“The legislation was passed to move forward on cap-and-trade policy, and certainly Marco Rubio didn’t stand in the way of that legislation passing and my understanding was that he was supportive of the process,” said John Reilly, the MIT expert. “He certainly seemed to accept the science of climate change.”

Here’s his explanation:

Rubio maintained Thursday that the legislation he supported had the effect of neutering Crist’s executive orders. “We took the power out of his hands and put it into the hands of the Legislature,” he said. “If we passed no legislation, his executive orders would have become law.”

Crist denies this claim.


Don’t believe a video that cuts off so quickly like that. Someone is trying to deceive you. Now go, and sin no more.

[h/t hapax legomenon]

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