NC Senator Kay Hagan Ignores Tough Questions, Taps Softballs at Her Twitter Townhall
North Carolina Senator Kay Hagen is one of the weaker Democrat candidates defending her chair in 2014, but her attempt to engage voters in a “twitter townhall” event today didn’t help her much.
Thanks everyone for joining me. I’m ready to answer your questions #AskKay
— Senator Kay Hagan (@SenatorHagan) April 9, 2013
First off, she was late to her own twitter event… how are you late to something you can do in your pajamas, from an iphone?
Some of the questions she answered included this slowpitch softball from the vice chair of the Young Democrats of North Carolina:
What are the chances that a dem operative asked a dem politico a question that she had already took action on?! Let me grab a calculator real quick…
Oh by the way, that tweet was made about 45 minutes before the event. Perhaps that’s why Hagan was late – she was looking for the dem planted question.
At one point, Hagan’s press secretary prompted one of the softball questions from a twitter user:
She accepted his question: It’s no surprise why – this twitter townhall was really just an attempt to publicize a letter she sent to the VA to address the deplorable state of backlogged veterans’ claims. While this effort is laudable, the townhall in no way was meant to actually engage the voters on questions they want answered.
She took a question from an actual constituent and a veteran:
#AskKay What is the name/email/phone of your staffer primarily responsible for veteran issues & VA liaison?
— Tom Goffe (@thomasgoffe) April 9, 2013
But he was completely disatisfied with her answer, which she couldn’t deign to follow up:
@senatorhagan thanks for the phone, but what is their name & email? — Tom Goffe (@thomasgoffe) April 9, 2013
#AskKay vet claims in Winston-Salem. When was last time you were there to demand answers? Hint: not a new probl.… — Tom Goffe (@thomasgoffe) April 9, 2013
What about the questions she didn’t accept? Here’s one from an Army veteran about how Obamacare has raised rates after Kay Hagan specifically said it wouldn’t:
@senatorhagan I served my country.your vote 4 #obamacare is crushing my family. #AskKay what are you going 2do 2get $495 copay back to $131? — Pattie Curran (@PattieCurran) April 9, 2013
This vet was later told to “f**k off” by one of Hagan’s supporters. Kay Hagan took a question from this liberal tweeting obscenities to a veteran at a twitter townhall about veterans, but didn’t take any of the questions from the veteran. Another about Obamacare ignored:
@senatorhagan #askkay why did you vote for #obamacare It hurts vets like me & their families. #repeal #pjnet — Pattie Curran (@PattieCurran) April 9, 2013
She also ignored all the questions about Benghazi:
@senatorhagan Demand the WH answer the letter from 700 SecOps and provide the answers to why 4 died in Benghazi. #AskKay — Dennis Peterson (@Dennis_Peterson) April 9, 2013
.@senatorhagan did co-sponsoring “Support for our Survivors Act” include stifling speech of #Benghazi victims or is that a freebie? #AskKay — El SOOPer!! (@SooperMexican) April 9, 2013
No questions accepted about her hostility against the 2nd amendment:
@senatorhagan Why would you support #GunControl for law-abiding citizens when it is ALWAYS law-breakers who commit the gun crime?#askkay
— Theodore Hicks (@t2hicks) April 9, 2013
.@senatorhagan do you agree with your Democrat colleague that veterans shouldn’t be allowed to have guns? #AskKay
— El SOOPer!! (@SooperMexican) April 9, 2013
@senatorhagan are you going to use the increasing violence in the armed services to help them get help or to grab their guns? #AskKay
— jynxedforlife (@jynxed4life) April 9, 2013
The event lasted 24 minutes, with hundreds of tweets from her constituents, but Hagan took only 6 questions, all of them fodder for her to press her agenda.
All in all, not a good showing for Kay Hagan on twitter… better luck next time!!