Millionaire Actress Gwyneth Paltrow Says Internet Criticism as ‘Bloody, Dehumanizing’ as War
If there’s an “off” button on Gwyneth Paltrow, someone needs to find it because she is just a delightful cornucopia of stupidity lately. From saying that her life is harder than a working moms, to calling her break up a “conscious decoupling,” the GOOPster has entertained us all with her lack of common sense. But this time, she’s really taken the cake and smeared into a the proverbial handicapped ambiguously-racinated baby’s face:
“You come across (online comments) about yourself and about your friends, and it’s a very dehumanizing thing,” the star said. “It’s almost like how, in war, you go through this bloody, dehumanizing thing … My hope is, as we get out of it, we’ll reach the next level of conscience.”
The “Iron Man 3” star said the vitriol doesn’t affect her, but noted that “it’s taken a long time to get to (that) point.”
“I see myself as a chalkboard or a whiteboard or a screen, and someone is just putting up their own projection on it,” she said. “It has nothing to do with me.”
Wow. Well she got one thing right – she’s pretty empty except for her petty, smug petulance. While I have thought for many years that we should stop whining about how badly Obama lied about improving healthcare for our veterans and for once, give a thought to the heavy burden that this arrogant millionaire actress carries, I’m glad she has the courage to speak out about it!!!
Others on the internet didn’t share my conviction:
Uhm.. yeah, kinda.
By the way, I called her the GOOPster, because she shills some products on her “Goop” site, or something. I feel ashamed that this bit of information is taking up valuable real estate in my brain, and I apologize.
State Department Forced to Apologize for Promoting Muslim Cleric Who Supported Killing of U.S. Soldiers
[tweets and comments added since first publication]