Gender issues

CNN Hypocrite Carol Costello Laughs at Assault on Bristol Palin, ANGRILY Denounced Ray Rice Quip

Yet another example of the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal left and the especially vicious feminist wing. CNN’s Carol Costello took ghoulish glee at the thought of Bristol Palin being dragged by her hair [watch here at the Right Scoop], but when Fox News hosts made a thoughtless quip about the Ray Rice assault on his then-fiance, the harpy went into crazed hysterics.

Here’s her tweet about the assault on Bristol Palin and her call to the police:

You see, domestic violence is the fault of our culture and we should hang our heads in shame, UNLESS it’s violence against the daughter of a Republican, then it’s the most hilarious thing EVER!! What a degenerate piece of trash.

Feel free to retweet this and pressure Carol and CNN to admit their abject bias and hypocrisy:

Mike Brown Autopsy Leaked: Evidence He Reached for Officer’s Gun, Did NOT Have Arms Raised When Shot