Houston SAYS NO To Letting Men In Dresses Use Women’s Bathrooms; Lesbian Mayor Hardest Hit
Houston residents soundly rejected an attempt by gay activists to impose new laws that would force businesses to treat transexual individuals as whatever gender they choose, instead of what nature chose for them.
With early voting results in, Houston’s proposed ordinance to establish protections from discrimination for gay and transgender residents and several other classes was behind in the polls by a significant margin.
As the polls closed on Tuesday, early voting figures showed 63 percent of more than 130,000 Houston voters who cast ballots early voted against the measure. The embattled ordinance, better known as HERO, would make it illegal to discriminate against someone based on 15 different “protected characteristics,” including sex, race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Ordinance supporters say it’s intended to protect all Houstonians from discrimination and align Houston with other major cities that have similar measures. But opponents have zeroed in on the gender identity protection, which they argue would allow sexual predators to go into women’s bathrooms.
Houston’s lesbian mayorette pushed the ordinance hard, but just couldn’t make her citizens see the rainbow light.
Of course, all the liberals are freaking out:
Oh boy. Who cares.
I hope the ladies in the ladies’ room will be fully employing their 2nd Amendment rights when this douchebag tries that.
Democracy failed!! LOL!! Soooo if they state failed to grant you your “rights,” where do rights come from? Hmmmmm…..
Would Jesus discriminate? YES HE WOULD. In fact, Jesus says in the Bible that he will literally send people to hell. Seems kinda discriminatory to me (according to the strict definition of the word).
Anyway, good job Houston. Keep whining, liberals.