Jake Tapper DESTROYS Trump For ‘SHAMEFUL’ Accusation Against Ted Cruz’s FATHER
El Trumpo continues to find lower and stupider depths to sink to, and this one was so bad that Jake Tapper had to take him to task for it at the beginning of his show today.
Watch below:
This is two and a half minutes of must-see TV. @JakeTapper explaining and debunking the Cruz/Oswald “story” https://t.co/JGqJDp9sUj
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) May 3, 2016
This was in reference to Trump’s idiotic claim that Cruz’s dad had something to do with the death of JFK. Of course, our news is so fantastically moronic that “Lee Harvey Oswald” has been trending on Twitter all day.
What a pathetic state this election has put a once noble and great country into.
Update: Here’s another video of the critique: