Smug Liberal Journalists Are In Complete Meltdown Over John Ekdahl’s Simple Question
If you’re on Twitter, John Ekdahl is a great follow for unique and interesting insights on politics, but last night he inadvertently made liberals self-combust over one innocent question.
It was about pickup trucks.
And it really appears as if he wasn’t trying to mock or deride anyone, he was just trying to make a point about where the media gatekeepers reside, and how their cocoon makes them out of touch with regular Americans.
Here’s the question that made everyone go crazy:
The top 3 best selling vehicles in America are pick-ups. Question to reporters: do you personally know someone that owns one?
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
Like, seriously, it’s not even combative or anything. But it doesn’t matter because journalists and liberals could sniff out that if they answered honestly they’d expose themselves and their safe space echo chambers, so they lashed out at Ekdahl in smug, self-righteous, condescending anger.
Which kinda proves his point, doesn’t it?
Here are some people freaking out who are very afraid of actually answering the very simple question:
This is very silly question. To wit: The top 3 population centers in America are liberal strongholds. DO YOU PERSONALLY KNOW SOMEONE THERE?
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) January 4, 2017
Ekdahl answers, “yep, plenty.”
The automotive editor for Ars Technica compares truck owning to BEING A HEROIN ADDICT BECAUSE HE’S NOT SENSITIVE ABOUT IT AT ALL:
.@JohnEkdahl plenty of heartlanders are opioid addicts. Does that mean to report on real Amerikkka you need an oxy habit?
— Jonathan Gitlin (@drgitlin) January 4, 2017
Pegoraro knows EXACTLY what Ekdahl is up to AND HE AIN’T HAVIN’ NONE OF IT:
@JohnEkdahl Yes, my neighbor across the street. Whose sister is an NPR reporter. Can we put a cap on the glib stereotyping?
— Rob Pegoraro (@robpegoraro) January 4, 2017
John Corbett doesn’t need to know ANYONE who lives in a city with fewer than one million people in it, dammit. He’d be offended to meet one:
@JohnEkdahl I live in a city. I wouldn't want to know people who felt they needed to own a pick up in the city (unless they haul bricks)
— John Corbett (@CorComm) January 4, 2017
The New York Times’ John Schwartz was VERY OFFENDED that he had to answer, and of course, he knows that Ekdahl was saying he’s false American, even though he never actually said that:
@JohnEkdahl @theRealBethAnn That might be the dumbest question I've heard today. Of course I do. Hell, that's how I learned to drive stick.
— John Schwartz (@jswatz) January 4, 2017
@JohnEkdahl @theRealBethAnn other buddies with pickups since then, of course. This need to demonize reporters as unAmerican gets so old.
— John Schwartz (@jswatz) January 4, 2017
“Demonized”!!! Sensitive snowflakes, aren’t they?!
@JohnEkdahl This nonsense question has much has much more to do with where you live than who you know. Pickup is a status symbol in many parts of the US
— Buddy Whittenburg (@musicwhileawake) January 4, 2017
That is a NONSENSE question that Buddy Whittenburg refuses to answer dammit!!!
This LA WEEKLY guy has to make it about race – liberals are literally unable to talk about anything without mentioning race:
@JohnEkdahl yes. They're called Latinos
— Dennis Romero (@dennisjromero) January 4, 2017
.@JohnEkdahl @guypbenson This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day. Adele had top selling album of 2016 — do you own it?
— God Emperor (@buhhhhlieevmeee) January 4, 2017
Today in McCarthyism for Idiots: If you don't know someone who owns a truck, you're not a real 'Murican! Bonus freedom points for TruckNutz!
— Desdakon (@Desdakon) January 4, 2017
For as little as I know Ekdahl personally, I have no doubt that he didn’t mean his question in a malicious way, but snowflake libs are terribly sensitive about their safe spaces.
Man, kicked a hornets' nest by asking a pretty direct question.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
So I take it not a lot of DC and NYC journalists know pickup truck owners, then?
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
Some actually completely missed his point, and then tried to wield the same point right back at him. There should be a word for this that is more specific than just “stupid”:
@bendreyfuss @JohnEkdahl Mr. Ekdahl may miss the fact that in metro areas folks take mass transit, thereby forego the need for a truck.
— AlwaysAFedcase (@ChristinLuvsSno) January 4, 2017
Man… it was a simple question…
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
I'm honestly blindsided by this reaction.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
This incredibly contemptuous conversation started with a simple question: do reporters know any pickup truck owners.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
right now I'm watching guys on the timeline fight each other about pickup trucks
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) January 4, 2017
Can we please move off the idea that truck-owning, country music-listening, gun enthusiasts are the "real" Americans
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) January 4, 2017
I can’t tell if this dude is a parody account, but he started whining about poverty or something:
1) this is wrong, 2) many of these are fleet vehicles, 3) they’re geographically concentrated bc duh, 4) this is a dumb question for stupids
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
5) the real retort to this is “how many people do you know who can’t afford cars?”
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
I know more people (many) who can’t afford cars at all than I do who own pickups (a few, including family members).
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
OK, guy, that might be some point, but that’s not Ekdahl’s point and your freaking out kinda proves his point.
how many journalists know someone who has their car in their mama’s name?
— Joel D. Anderson (@byjoelanderson) January 4, 2017
Yes, I know a number of people who own pickups, including family members. This does not alter the character of my reporting.
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
It tells no one anything useful about anything.
How many people do you know who’ve been on welfare? Can’t afford cars?
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
So, knowing poor people helps you, but not knowing flyover Americans doesn’t count for anything. Riiiight.
He admits that he is flipping out over a simple question:
I'm pinning this article because it's that important.
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
Why'd I just flip out?
Because I *loathe* dismediation. The point of that “pickup truck” question is dismediation.
— Danny Concannon (@Danny_Concannon) January 4, 2017
Respectable answer: "huh, no. Never really thought about it until now" I've gotten exactly one of those among hundreds.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
There's a lot of doth protesting too much when it comes to @JohnEkdahl's truck tweet. If you aren't a journalist, he wasn't talking to you.
— AgainstTrumpDude (@TheAmishDude) January 4, 2017
Journos getting so defensive about @JohnEkdahl's truck question proves they understand his point.
— Smoove Like Biden (@trueholygoat) January 4, 2017
@trueholygoat @JohnEkdahl no its just a dumb question that doesn't take environment into account; most urban dwellers have small cars
— Kelly (@kellydraper) January 4, 2017
Yes, idiot, that’s THE ENTIRE POINT!! LOL!!
Owning a pickup makes you more Real American than taking the subway and two buses to your job?
— Donna Gratehouse (@DonnaDiva) January 4, 2017
Kinda sensitive huh?
Never claimed they were. Just questioned whether the national media knows any of them. How is that offensive?
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
@kynakwado @JohnEkdahl Why are people with pickup trucks intrinsically more important than people without them?
— Emma Beckerman (@emmabeckerman1) January 4, 2017
They’re really angry. It’s weird.
For the record, I never even criticized journalists. I just asked if they knew any truck owners. The response has been…. illuminating.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
Of course, the “stupidest man with a modem” Oliver Willis had to shove his three chins into the discussion with this obscenity attempting to be a hot take:
@JohnEkdahl i think journalists are in a bubble but your question was a lot like "when did you stop beating your wife"
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) January 4, 2017
Uh, buying a truck is like beating your wife??!! No wonder they’re so afraid of trucks!!!
This guy freaked out bad in a long twitter rant:
Creating an arbitrary in group out group cultural distinction to impugn the character,
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
the truth telling ability of someone and then playing the victim when they don't meet your slanderous standard
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
It’s SLANDER to say someone doesn’t own a truck!!!
You didn't want to know if they knew someone who owned a truck. You wanted to criticize without substance. Push out further The out group
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
Evil!! EVIL!!!
Because we all know the answer you were fishing for. Not an insight into someone's inevitable unique individual experience
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
How dare you not fawn over reporter’s unique snowflake experiences?! YOU MONSTER!!!
but a reason to ostracize and distrust even those who shared the "knowing of someone who owns a truck" who are being called out
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
Remember when conservatives had the forbearance and maturity to confront scrutiny and moral disagreement
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
Now it's just "own a truck or shut up"
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
Ekdahl never said that once, but he probably meant that because he’s an evil right-winger.
It was a bad faith, rhetorical question that retrenchs disillusionment, suspicion and obscures the truth
— Matt Heimiller (@MattHeimiller) January 4, 2017
You tweet from a throne of lies, Ekdahl!!!
interesting night
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 4, 2017
Ekdahl closed out the night with this explosive retweet:
Following up on #TruckGate… Reporters: Do you personally know anyone who owns an AR-15 or a civilian version of an AK-47?
— Jim Swift (@JSwiftTWS) January 4, 2017
Owning a gun is worse than worshipping Satan and heiling Hitler to most journalists, so you know they’re not gonna answer that question!!