Shosple Colupis! The best accidentally hilarious poorly designed signs
One of the first inklings I had that my mind doesn’t quite work right, or at least like everyone else’s, was when I believed from the time I was 10 years old that “Popeye’s” was pronounced “POPE-YES.” I went on uncorrected for more than a decade because I never said it out loud, I just thought in my brain, “why is this chicken place named after the Pope?”
Anyway, that accidental juxtaposition is the basis of some of the funniest comedy I have ever seen.
Here are some more pope-yes memes from a thread I found a few years back.
She be so she liev she could ed did!! Very inspiring.
You had meat “hello”!
This one is so nuts I can’t even come up with a reading at all:
Ok let’s keep going:
70,000 can’t be teeth, wrong!! I can’t help but agree.
I don’t know why these make me laugh so much, they just do. Ok, take a deep breath, here we go….
Amazing. Also…
Another one I can’t even try to decipher:
This is simply amazing:
Shosple Colupis!!!
I wonder how long they tried to come up with this one:
“T” for effort I guess.
We’re You’re Not Til… not Happy!!
Oh no.
Definitely… maybe.
One of the greatest extremes from one meaning to the other. I love it for its bi polar nature.
Well that’s awkward.
In Ex HA HA le le!!!
Who injured the burgers?
So you’re a what now?
How the hell is anyone supposed to read this?! LOL!
Right, right.
WHen then?!
Why is there a YALP in there? Yo, work hard, LK, Yalp!
This one barely makes it in, but I like it because it sounds like an insult.
Got incepted by that one.
The COVID edition:
Let’s not beat the children please.
This one comes with the comment, “don’t cross your legs!”
Honk Jesus Honk!!
Again, I have no clue what the hell this is:
And finally….
Doesn’t seem right.
Here’s the solution to the meme that started it all:
OK I see now!
There’s a thread on Reddit documenting some of these under a famous one from the Walking Dead called “Don’t Dead Open Inside,” but you really have to dig through it to get to the gems. As far as I know there’s no name for this, it’s not a malapropism exactly, or a spoonerism or a kniferism, it’s *almost* a metathesis, but not quite. Whatever they are, they bring me a lot of joy.